Adding users to ProductLogz
You can control how your users are authenticated before they start interacting
Last updated
You can control how your users are authenticated before they start interacting
Last updated
Users can manually authenticate themselves by entering their email and password or signing in via Google. This process is simple—users just need to click the Login/Signup button. A popup will appear, allowing them to either login or create an account if they haven't already.
Clicking on the button will open a popup where your users can either create account if not created already.
With this method, user accounts are stored and authenticated by Productlogz. However, if you prefer to streamline this process, you can eliminate the manual authentication step for users.
You can use the below Productlogz SDK Identify method to remove the manual authentication step from the user's side. This way, they are automatically verified when they click the feedback link from your product.
By integrating our JavaScript SDK, you can ensure that user feedback is linked to their accounts in your app.
In your application, add the below link (replace href
value) to your Productlogz feedback portal. Make sure it is prominently displayed so users can easily access it.
Make sure you replace
with your public board link ( or your custom domain link).
⚠️ Important: The data-pl-link
attribute must be included. If removed, authentication will not work.
Place the following code in your application codebase, primarily at the root or in index.html.
Modify the values to pass your application's user data.
Account ID
Replace this value with your actual account ID, which can be found in the ProductLogz dashboard under Settings > Workspace Details.
User Fields
A unique identifier for each user in your system, ensuring their feedback is correctly linked to their account.
The user’s email, making it easier to identify them and follow up on their feedback.
A custom identifier for the user, useful if you want to reference them with something other than their email or user ID.
A URL for the user’s profile picture, helping personalize their feedback.
The date and time the user was created in your system, useful for tracking feedback based on account age.
The user’s display name, making interactions more personal and recognizable.
Associates a user with one or more companies, helping track feedback at an organizational level.
Attach additional metadata to a user, such as role, subscription plan, or other relevant attributes for better context.
By implementing this setup, you can enhance the user experience while ensuring that their feedback is automatically linked to their account. 🚀
⚠️ Productlogz Identify doesn’t track admins, so if you’re testing, use a regular user account.